New Student Welcome Day 2023

President’s Welcome Message


Dear New Students,

Welcome to the HSUHK family! I would like to express my heartiest congratulations to you embarking on a new learning journey at HSUHK.

The theme of this year’s New Student Orientation is “HSUnity”. The word “Unity” signifies solidarity with a shared team spirit. HSUnity represents that all HSUHK members, including staff and fellow students, will be with you throughout your learning journey in HSUHK. In the coming four years, you will find diverse learning opportunities in this vibrant community and enjoy a fruitful campus life.

The post-pandemic world is undergoing unprecedented changes. Different parts of the world are actively promoting technological innovation. Breakthroughs in technology bring us both infinite possibilities and challenges. For example, the recent emergence of ChatGPT, a generative artificial intelligence (AI) chat tool, is a double-edged sword that can both benefit and harm us. It should be used correctly for the benefit of human society. I believe the purpose of university education is not only to provide students with professional knowledge and skills so that they can find a job after graduation. What is more important is to cultivate their personal values, interests, potential and transferable competencies so that they become well-rounded and responsible global citizens, who can handle challenges confidently in their future work and life and find meaning and a sense of fulfillment.

As a private liberal-arts-oriented university, HSUHK believes that its unique “Liberal + Professional” education model can nurture the following five core humanistic qualities (5Cs) in our students: (1) Critical Thinking; (2) Creativity; (3) Communication and Collaborations; (4) Caring Attitude; and (5) Continuous Active Learning. These abilities and attitudes are hard to be replaced by AI machines.

I encourage you to make the most of the learning opportunities, resources and facilities at HSUHK, such as engaging in international exchanges or internships, joining student associations, participating in service learning, independent research projects, residential college life, etc. These experiences will widen your horizon, help you explore your potential and build your personal values.

I hope you will enjoy your university life to the fullest and thrive in HSUHK’s caring learning atmosphere. Wishing you a happy and fruitful learning journey!

Simon S.M. Ho

恒大迎新日 2023




今年恒大的迎新主題是“HSUnity”,Unity意指團結一致、上下一心。HSUnity 即象徵恒大各師生,將會於未來的大學旅程與你結伴同行在未來四年裏,你們將在這個充滿活力的社群找到多元學習機會和享受豐富多彩的校園生活 

疫情後的世界正經歷着前所未有的大變局,全球各地都積極推動科技創新。突破性的科技為人類帶來無限可能和挑戰。例如近期興起的生成式人工智能(AI) 聊天工具ChatGPT ,是一把雙刃劍,有喜有憂,必須正確使用造福人類社會。我認為大學教育的目的,不僅是讓學生獲得專業知識和技術,以及在畢業後找到工作,更重要是培養學生的個人價值觀、志趣、潛能和可轉移的共通能力,讓他們成為全面和負責任的世界公民,能自信地處理未來工作和生活中的挑戰,找到意義和滿足感。 

恒大作為一所以博雅教育為主導的私立大學,深信其獨特的「博雅 + 專業」教育模式,能培養學生具備明辨思維、創新力、人際溝通與協作、人文關懷及持續主動學習五項核心人文素質。這些都是AI難以取代的能力與態度。 






Prof. Simon S.M. Ho

Professor Simon Ho-vR2_02_Forword (25)