Leadership Development & Cultural Groups


HSUHK Wofoo Leaders’ Network (WLN)

HSUHK Wofoo Leaders’ Network aims to promote the idea of “Responsible Citizenship” and build a harmonious and caring society. Students from different tertiary institutions will participate in, organize and promote a wide range of activities, in order to enhance all-round skills, self-equip proactively, acquire social service experiences as well as to increase a sense of belonging to the nation.

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Peer Mentor Scheme

Coached by Counsellors of Personal Growth & Counseling, Peer Mentors will attend a series of systematic training to facilitate participant’s peer helping skills, and will organize Student Initiated Programs to help students better understand themselves and facilitate the process of Peer Mentors to identify the students with emotional or mental needs for referral to professionals.

11th 莊相

University YMCA (HSUHK)

University YMCA® (HSUHK) was established in 2011, strives for and nurtures a balanced development in students’ spirit, mind and body, in compliance with the mottos of The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong, in addition to fulfill the mission statement of the Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong.

Catnonese Debating Team2023

HSUHK Cantonese Debating Team

Established in 2015/16, the HSUHK Cantonese Debating Team (恒大粵語辯論隊) is actively participating in various inter-university competitions, including Hong Kong Youth Cup (港青盃), Inter-Collegiate Debate Competition (大專盃), Basic Law Multi-Dimensional Inter-University Debate Competition (基本法盃), etc. To accelerate members personal growth and widen their exposure, the Team also co-organises friendly matches with teams from other institutions.

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HSUHK Putonghua Debating Team

Representing HUSHK to participate in local inter-university Putonghua debate competitions, the Team (恒大普通話辯論隊) is formed by members who are active and passionate about debating. Apart from regular trainings during term time, the Team also co-organises friendly matches with teams from other institutions to pursue excellence in members’ debate skills and accumulate relevant experience.

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ICAC Ambassador Programme

Starting from 2013/14, HSUHK partners with the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) and participates in the ICAC Ambassador Programme (廉政大使計劃) to enhance students’ awareness on anti-corruption and maintaining high level of personal integrity. The programme provides students the opportunities to understand the mission of ICAC, explore the issues about integrity and commitment, and enhance their capabilities by conducting collaborative promotional activities.

HSUHK Sinfonietta2023

HSUHK Sinfonietta

HSUHK Sinfonietta was founded in 2012 by a group of students with a strong passion for music. It aims at engaging music talents in the University, encouraging students’ participation in music appreciation and sharing the joy of music with the community.

HSUHK A Cappella2023

HSUHK A Cappella

HSUHK A Cappella was established in 2017/18. Under dynamic and professional training, members are equipped with the skills on vocal singing and teamwork. HSUHK A Cappella gave their performance in university events such as Student Orientation Day, Founders’ Day, etc.


Student Ambassadors Programme

Launched in 2011/12, the Student Ambassadors Programme (SA) aims to develop student leaders exploring their potential to represent the University and promote HSUHK to the public. Every year, 25-30 outstanding students from different programmes were selected as Student Ambassadors.