Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE)
The Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (創新及創業中心) aims to cultivate the innovative and entrepreneurial mindset of the HSUHK students through a range of functions and activities. It also targets on raising the awareness of the youth and the business executives in Hong Kong for the importance of entrepreneurship, innovative thinking and creativity.

Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL)
Established in 2015, the Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) at The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong aims at enhancing teaching and learning quality. It coordinates efforts in planning, review, promotion, and implementation across four key areas:
- Teaching and Learning Enhancement
- Organising seminars, workshops and forums on best practices, up-to-date teaching pedagogies, outcome-based teaching, criterion-referenced assessment for academic staff, and University-wide student engagement activities.
- Collaborating with Teaching Excellence Award recipients for annual sharing seminars, open forums, and fostering a culture of innovation and creativity at HSUHK.
- Digital Learning
- Supporting teaching and learning with the effective use of emerging technologies; and
- Developing Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), online courses, blended learning, and Smart Learning initiatives.
- Service-Learning
- Providing Offering support and resources for students and teachers to engage in Service-Learning, promoting holistic education and responsible citizenship.
- Expanding community partnerships to create more service project opportunities for students and teachers.
- Virtual Reality Centre
- Supporting teaching, learning, research, and community services through the application of virtual reality and related technologies.
- Equipping the Virtual Reality and Big Data Analytics Laboratory (VRBD Lab) with immersive virtual reality systems, Head-Mounted Devices (HMD), and other related equipment to enhance teaching and learning in various disciplines, while also enabling precise multi-dimensional Big Data Analytics and data visualisation.

English Language Centre (ELC)
The ELC provides a cozy and relaxing environment for students to engage in English language learning. Through theme-based workshops, consultations, competitions, English-related projects, as well as references and online resources, students can improve English skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

Global Affairs Office (GAO)
Global Affairs Office (GAO) facilitates semester-based student exchange programme and offers short-term study opportunities for students to broaden their horizons and enrich their learning experiences

Honours Academy (HA)
Established in 2020, HA is a first-of-its-kind initiative in Hong Kong’s higher education sector. Built upon HSUHK’s unique “Liberal + Professional” education model, the HA aspires to transform the undergraduate experience for a select group of around 20 high-achieving, high-potential and high-motivation students at HSUHK, aiming to nurture future leaders with a unique two or three-year journey of academic excellence, global vision and civic leadership.

HSUHK Jockey Club Residential Colleges (RC)
Residential Colleges (RCs) are the second home to 1,100 undergraduate students. Students will live and learn with faculty and peers from diverse backgrounds through a wide range of activities that nurture student residents socially and intellectually. There are four RCs and each has its own theme:
Lee Yick Hoi Lun Mosaic College – Cultural Diversity
S H Ho Wellness College – Healthy Living
Patrick S C Poon Amity College – Community Service
Fung Yiu King Evergreen College — Sustainability

Information Technology Services Centre (ITSC)
Information Technology Services Centre (ITSC) aim to provide comprehensive IT support and services to enhance your learning experience. We offer a wide range of IT services, including Wi-Fi network and infrastructure support, software and applications development.
We encourage you to explore our ITSC website and familiarize yourself with the various IT services and resources available to you. We are here to support you throughout your academic journey and help you achieve your goals.

Library (LIB)
HSUHK Library is your learning partner! Come explore our collections, services and facilities. We provide various learning support resources and offer information skills development programmes that can help you in the pursuit of knowledge and achieve academic success. Start your learning journey with us by joining an orientation session today!

Registry (REG)
The Registry handles student registration and records, module registration, add/drop and withdrawal, class and examination scheduling, student academic standing, transcript and other academic certification, academic events and ceremonies.
Please read the Academic Regulations for Undergraduate Programmes and visit the Current Undergraduate Student page at Registry for detailed information concerning your study, such as attendance and graduation requirements, module registration, add/drop and withdrawal, examination, etc. You may also contact your Personal Tutor or Academic Advisor of your School/Department/Programme for assistance. The Registry will announce all important information related to your study on eCampus and via HSUHK email.

Student Affairs Office (SAO)
In support of the University’s education goals, SAO strives to create a supportive and challenging learning environment by providing a wide range of co-curricular programmes and residential life experience. Our ultimate aims are to foster student success and to equip our students to make contributions to society.

Tin Ka Ping Institute for
Chinese Language and Culture (TKPICLC)
We have set up the following centres under the TKPICLC to enhance liberal arts education and professional skill development in compliance with the aim of the university: Centre for Business Ethics and Culture, Chinese Language Centre and Putonghua Education and Assessment Centre. The Putonghua Education and Assessment Centre was established to implement the National Putonghua Proficiency Test in collaboration with the State Language and Writing Commission, with the aim of helping students achieve a Putonghua level that is internationally certified and to fulfil the graduation requirement.