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迎新活动之前 (2024年8月21日前)





  • 新生注册程序
  • 激活内联网和大学电邮帐号






  • 填写新生网上问卷调查
  • 新生迎新日的安排和报名方法
  • 下载HSUnity虚拟实境App
  • 迎新网页资讯
  • 邀请加入各专业开设的WhatsApp群组
  • 学生组织迎新活动资讯

同学可以加入各专业开设的WhatsApp群组,和群里的Senior Buddies联络,了解迎新日当天的活动详情。


我们欢迎大家亲临恒大校园参加迎新活动,届时会有Senior Buddies带领你参加活动,具体安排如下:

09:00 – 09:15


09:15 – 10:15


  • 与各专业的Senior Buddies见面
10:15 – 11:15


  • 与大学高层、学院院长见面
  • 关于校园生活和学习机会的分享环节
  • 学生专题表演
11:15 – 13:00


  • 了解学生组织和学生事务处属下学生团体有关活动
  • 运动嘉年华
  • 认识恒大学习支援部门
  • 以虚拟实境与恒大吉祥物恒恒合照
  • 校园探秘活动和大抽奖

同学可以在来校前,查找前往恒大的交通路线 ,也可以在线上虚拟实境参观恒大校园。


迎新之后 (2024年8月22日后)

  1. 参加所属专业的教学简介活动
  2. 查找前往恒大的交通路线并在线上虚拟实境参观恒大校园
  3. 了解一些有用的学术资讯、指引和程序,可以点这里
  4. 2024年8月27日起,可在内联网查看你的课程表
  5. 完成新生注册之后,校方通过恒大电邮通知领取学生证事宜
  6. 报名参加迎新周(9月2 – 13日)的活动
  1. 根据你的课程表上课
  2. 你可以在「选科或退科期间」(9月2 – 13日)调整你的课程表,详情将于电邮公布
  3. 请浏览学生事务处网站,探索你的校园生活
  4. 定期查看内联网和恒大电子邮件,以免错过来自恒大或你所属专业的最新消息
  5. 参加迎新周的活动(9月2 – 13日)

如果你对迎新有任何疑问,可以与你的Senior Buddies联络,也可联系学生事务处,电话:3963 5560 / 电邮。

Please click HERE

Before New Student Welcome Day (Now till 21 August 2024)

July 2024

1st instalment of tuition fee payment deadline. (Details please refer to the notice from Registry)

After the 1st instalment, once the documents have been verified and the student visa has been issued by the Hong Kong Immigration Department

Email (via personal email) notification about:

  • New Student Registration Process
  • Activation of eCampus and HSUHK email account
20 August 2024 

Email (via both HSUHK email and personal email) notification about: 

  • Online New Student Survey and DASS21
  • New Student Welcome Day Information and Registration Form
  • HSUnity AR App
  • NSO Website
  • WhatsApp Group (By Programme)
  • Student-led Orientation Activities
22 – 23 August 2023

You may contact your Senior Buddies and get more information about NSWD by joining the WhatsApp Group (By Programme).

New Student Welcome Day (22 August 2024)

Your Senior Buddies will lead you on the New Student Welcome Day, and the schedule is as follows:

09:00 – 09:15


09:15 – 10:15

Meet-up Session

  • Meet-up with Senior Buddies
10:15 – 11:15

Welcome Session

  • Meet P/VP, School Deans
  • Sharing on university life planning and learning opportunities
  • Thematic Student Performance
11:15 – 13:00

HSUnity Carnival

  • Student Groups Fair organised by student organisations and SAO student groups
  • Sports Carnival
  • Booths by Learning Support Units
  • Photo with AR Handa (Mascot)
  • Campus Hunt and Lucky Draw

You may find out how to get to HSUHK and check out the virtual tour before coming to the campus.

After the New Student Welcome Day, please attend the Academic Session of your Programme, and you may check HERE for the schedule.

After New Student Welcome Day (22 August 2024 and onwards)

Before Semester 1 starts
  1. Attend the Academic Sessionsof your Programmes
  2. Find out how to get to HSUHKand check out the virtual tour before coming to the campus
  3. Familiarise yourself with some useful academic information, guidelines and procedures at here
  4. Check your Class Timetable at eCampus from 27 August 2024
  5. Collect your Student Card after completion of New Student Registration. Details will be announced via HSUHK email
  6. Sign up for the activities in the Extended Orientation Weeks  (2 – 13 September 2024)
After Semester 1 starts
  1. Attend lessons according to your timetable
  2. Adjust your timetable during Module Add/Drop Period  (2 – 13 September 2024). Details will be announced via email
  3. Explore your campus life at Student Affairs Office Website
  4. Check the news at your eCampus and HSUHK email regularly for any updated news from HSUHK or your Programme
  5. Attend the activities Extended Orientation Weeks (2 – 13 September 2024)

For any questions about the Orientation, you may contact your Senior Buddies or Student Affairs Office at 3963 5560 (Tel) / (Email).