Student Locker Services
Student lockers are available at HSUHK campus to provide convenient storage space for HSUHK students. If you wish to apply for one, please go through the following details and submit an online application to the Student Affairs Office.

All current HSUHK students are eligible to apply for student lockers. Application for student lockers must be made via the online application system (
An annual non-refundable rental fee of HK$50 would be charged for each student locker. The rental fee should be made via the HSUHK e-Coupon system within 3 calendar days upon reservation being made on the online application system. If a student fails to pay for the rental charge, the application would be considered unsuccessful.
The rental period is normally one academic year, i.e. from the rental fee payment date until 31 May of the following year or the date of your graduation, whichever is the earlier. Students must clear their lockers and remove their padlocks before returning the lockers to the University by the end of the rental period.
Student lockers are located on:
- 3/F. of S H HO Academic Building (A)
- G/F., 1/F. and 4/F., of LEE Quo Wei Academic Building (D)
- 3/F. of LEE Shau Kee Complex (B)
- The applicant should settle an annual non-refundable rental fee of $50.
- Payment is accepted at any HSUHK Payment Station after reservation of a locker within 3 days.
- Any violation of the use of lockers, whenever reported and/or discovered, will result in immediate termination of the use of lockers. Fees paid will not be refunded. Blacklist to use the locker in the future.